Challenge a friend or family member at home or from afar to an online math game to brush up on your K-8 math skills. From basic addition to solving equations, playing online math games beats flash card drills and timed tests, hands-down. As you play together, it is best to discuss strategies you are using to help one another become more fluent with numbers. Fluency is not just about speed. It is knowing multiple ways to put numbers together. My family likes to play against Grandpa and cousins. Here are games I have reviewed and are linked at to the bottom of the screen under Fun Games to choose Multiplayer games. Some have up to 12-players at once!
Martian Hoverboards (simplifying numerical expressions) 8-player
4-wheel Fracas ( 1-step equations) 12-player
Spider Match (adding, subtracting integers) 4-player
Integer Warp (multiplying integers) 4-player
Orbit Integers (adding, subtracting integers) 4-player
Dirt bike Proportions (solving simple proportions) 4-player
Speedway Fractions (adding, subtracting, simplifying fractions) 12-player
Snow Sprint Fractions (multiplying fractions) 12-player